We offer a state-of-the-art approach to growing your business under uncertainty.


Corporate Accelerator

Destination Unknown

It’s both our passion and ambition to transform large companies in a way that maximizes their entrepreneurial potential by building a bridge between the entrepreneurial mindset and the untapped potential within their organization. Through our ‘Destination Unknown’ corporate accelerator program, our team of experienced managers and entrepreneurs will coach and train your team of professionals in a way that will shape ideas and projects that will lead to successful new business opportunities.

The thorough scientific approach utilized by the program has proven to be effective in projects that contain a high degree of uncertainty. With Destination Unknown, we accelerate the process of development, co-creation, new business development and the promotion of entrepreneurial behavior. Because of this, new business developments occur more rapidly and with greater success; incorporate greater levels of involvement from organizational members; and are carried out using existing budgets and resources.